1065 | Entertainment: Video Games | True / False | Medium | The Ace Attorney trilogy was suppose to end with "Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney − Trials and Tribulations" as its final game. | piggletking |
1061 | Entertainment: Video Games | True / False | Hard | In the game "Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code", you can enter Blood Heat mode in Half Moon style. | MrStunnabouzu |
1060 | Entertainment: Video Games | Multiple Choice | Hard | In the Gamecube Version of "Resident Evil" what text document is open on the monitor of the computer in the Visual Data Room? | MrStunnabouzu |
1059 | Art | Multiple Choice | Hard | What year did Albrecht Dürer create the painting "The Young Hare"? | MrStunnabouzu |
1058 | Entertainment: Video Games | Multiple Choice | Medium | Excluding their instructor, how many members of Class VII are there in the game "Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel"? | MrStunnabouzu |
1057 | Entertainment: Video Games | Multiple Choice | Easy | How many times do you fight Gilgamesh in "Final Fantasy 5"? | MrStunnabouzu |
1056 | Entertainment: Video Games | True / False | Easy | Faust is a playable character in "Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator". | MrStunnabouzu |
1055 | Entertainment: Music | Multiple Choice | Medium | Which one of these artists appears in the album Deltron 3030? | MrStunnabouzu |
1053 | Politics | True / False | Easy | In 2016, the United Kingdom voted to stay in the EU. | Jackman |
1052 | General Knowledge | Multiple Choice | Medium | What is a "dakimakura"? | Belgo |
1051 | General Knowledge | True / False | Medium | There are 86400 seconds in a day. | Belgo |
1050 | Entertainment: Video Games | Multiple Choice | Medium | In Portal 2, the iconic character GLaDOS is turned into: | Belgo |
1048 | Geography | Multiple Choice | Medium | Where is the area commonly known as the Bermuda Triangle? | Belgo |
1045 | Entertainment: Film | True / False | Medium | The color of the pills in the Matrix were Blue and Yellow. | Jackman |
1044 | Entertainment: Comics | Multiple Choice | Medium | What was the name of the first Robin in the Batman comics? | Jackman |
1043 | Art | True / False | Medium | Vincent van Gogh cut off one of his ears. | Zennoe |
1042 | Art | Multiple Choice | Hard | Albrecht Dürer's birthplace and place of death were in... | Zennoe |
1041 | Entertainment: Video Games | Multiple Choice | Medium | What was the first "Team Fortress 2" update to include a war? | NoThanks |
1040 | Geography | Multiple Choice | Hard | In 2012 the German-speaking microstate "Liechtenstein" in Central Europe had a population of how many inhabitants? | Zennoe |
1039 | General Knowledge | True / False | Easy | Nutella is produced by the German company Ferrero. | Zennoe |
1038 | Entertainment: Books | True / False | Easy | The book 1984 was published in 1949. | Zennoe |
1037 | Sports | Multiple Choice | Medium | Which nation hosted the FIFA World Cup in 2006? | Zennoe |
1036 | Mythology | Multiple Choice | Easy | Who was the King of Gods in Ancient Greek mythology? | Zennoe |
1035 | Entertainment: Music | Multiple Choice | Medium | In 2015, David Hasselhof released a single called... | Zennoe |
1034 | Politics | Multiple Choice | Easy | The largest consumer market in 2015 was... | Zennoe |