669 | Sports | Multiple Choice | Medium | Which Formula One driver was nicknamed 'The Professor'? | ZiggyPi |
668 | Art | Multiple Choice | Medium | What nationality was the surrealist painter Salvador Dali? | ZiggyPi |
667 | Vehicles | Multiple Choice | Medium | Which country has the international vehicle registration letter 'A'? | ZiggyPi |
666 | Science & Nature | Multiple Choice | Medium | To the nearest minute, how long does it take for light to travel from the Sun to the Earth? | ZiggyPi |
665 | Animals | Multiple Choice | Medium | Cashmere is the wool from which kind of animal? | ZiggyPi |
664 | General Knowledge | Multiple Choice | Easy | What alcoholic drink is made from molasses? | ZiggyPi |
663 | Sports | Multiple Choice | Medium | A stimpmeter measures the speed of a ball over what surface? | ZiggyPi |
662 | Science & Nature | Multiple Choice | Medium | How many degrees Fahrenheit is 100 degrees Celsius? | ZiggyPi |
661 | Science & Nature | Multiple Choice | Easy | Which gas forms about 78% of the Earth’s atmosphere? | ZiggyPi |
660 | Mythology | Multiple Choice | Medium | Who was the Roman god of fire? | ZiggyPi |
659 | General Knowledge | Multiple Choice | Easy | What word represents the letter 'T' in the NATO phonetic alphabet? | ZiggyPi |
658 | Entertainment: Musicals & Theatres | Multiple Choice | Medium | In which Shakespeare play does the character Marcellus say, "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark"? | ZiggyPi |
657 | Science & Nature | Multiple Choice | Medium | Gannymede is the largest moon of which planet? | ZiggyPi |
656 | Entertainment: Books | Multiple Choice | Hard | Abel Magwitch is a character from which Charles Dickens novel? | ZiggyPi |
655 | Entertainment: Film | Multiple Choice | Medium | What is the name of the robot in the 1951 science fiction film classic 'The Day the Earth Stood Still'? | ZiggyPi |
654 | History | Multiple Choice | Medium | The crown of the Empire State Building was originally built for what purpose? | ZiggyPi |
653 | Science & Nature | Multiple Choice | Medium | What mineral has the lowest number on the Mohs scale? | ZiggyPi |
652 | Celebrities | Multiple Choice | Easy | By what name is Carlos Estevez better known? | ZiggyPi |
651 | Entertainment: Film | Multiple Choice | Easy | What was Dorothy's surname in 'The Wizard Of Oz'? | ZiggyPi |
650 | Entertainment: Books | Multiple Choice | Easy | Who wrote the novel 'Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas'? | ZiggyPi |
649 | Vehicles | Multiple Choice | Easy | Which Italian city is home of the car manufacturer 'Fiat'? | ZiggyPi |
648 | Entertainment: Board Games | Multiple Choice | Easy | How many dots are on a single die? | ZiggyPi |
647 | Art | Multiple Choice | Medium | Which artist’s studio was known as 'The Factory'? | ZiggyPi |
646 | Entertainment: Music | Multiple Choice | Medium | Which Beatle led the way across the zebra crossing on the Abbey Road album cover? | ZiggyPi |
645 | Science: Mathematics | Multiple Choice | Easy | In Roman Numerals, what does XL equate to? | ZiggyPi |