1164 | Entertainment: Video Games | True / False | Easy | The game "Battlefield 1" takes place during World War I. | ParmenCZ70 |
1162 | Entertainment: Video Games | Multiple Choice | Hard | When was the first "Half-Life" released? | ParmenCZ70 |
1161 | Entertainment: Video Games | Multiple Choice | Medium | What is the name of the virus in "Metal Gear Solid 1"? | ParmenCZ70 |
1160 | Entertainment: Television | Multiple Choice | Medium | Who was the star of the TV series "24"? | Tommyt0m |
1159 | Entertainment: Film | Multiple Choice | Hard | What was the name of the planet in "Aliens"? | Tommyt0m |
1157 | Entertainment: Video Games | Multiple Choice | Medium | How many classes are there in Team Fortress 2? | Tommyt0m |
1155 | Entertainment: Video Games | Multiple Choice | Medium | Which football player is featured on the international cover version of the video game FIFA 16? | SkyZero96 |
1154 | Entertainment: Video Games | Multiple Choice | Easy | What ingredient is NOT used to craft a cake in Minecraft? | SkyZero96 |
1152 | Entertainment: Video Games | Multiple Choice | Easy | Which eSports team came first place in The International Dota 2 Championship 2016? | SkyZero96 |
1151 | Entertainment: Video Games | Multiple Choice | Medium | What is the name the location-based augmented reality game developed by Niantic before Pokémon GO? | SkyZero96 |
1147 | Entertainment: Film | Multiple Choice | Hard | What is the name of the assassin in the first "Hellboy" movie? | Simrock |
1146 | Geography | Multiple Choice | Medium | The Japanese district Akihabara is also known by what nickname? | Koopaville |
1145 | Entertainment: Video Games | True / False | Easy | Luigi is taller than Mario? | MertenNor |
1144 | Entertainment: Video Games | Multiple Choice | Medium | In which order do you need to hit some Deku Scrubs to open the first boss door in "Ocarina of Time"? | MertenNor |
1143 | Vehicles | Multiple Choice | Medium | When was Tesla founded? | Ryandw2 |
1142 | Entertainment: Video Games | Multiple Choice | Easy | What Nationality is D.Va from Overwatch? | Moon |
1141 | General Knowledge | Multiple Choice | Medium | In 2013 how much money was lost by Nigerian scams? | pewdiepie |
1140 | Sports | True / False | Easy | Peyton Manning retired after winning Super Bowl XLIX. | Zhidus |
1139 | Entertainment: Music | Multiple Choice | Medium | Which Queen song was covered by Brittany Murphy in the 2006 film "Happy Feet"? | Agent2583 |
1138 | Science & Nature | Multiple Choice | Hard | If you planted the seeds of Quercus robur what would grow? | Agent2583 |
1137 | Entertainment: Music | Multiple Choice | Medium | Madonna's song "Hung Up" includes a piece from which popular 70s song? | Agent2583 |
1136 | Sports | Multiple Choice | Medium | The F1 season of 1994 is remembered for what tragic event? | Agent2583 |
1135 | Vehicles | True / False | Medium | The Chevrolet Corvette has always been made exclusively with V8 engines only. | Br0chure |
1133 | Entertainment: Japanese Anime & Manga | True / False | Easy | Studio Ghibli is a Japanese animation studio responsible for the films "Wolf Children" and "The Boy and the Beast". | Kiteku |
1132 | Entertainment: Japanese Anime & Manga | True / False | Medium | The animated film "Spirited Away" won the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature at the 75th Academy Awards in 2003. | Kiteku |