1194 | History | Multiple Choice | Medium | When was the United States National Security Agency established? | Caboose700 |
1193 | Entertainment: Video Games | True / False | Easy | In "Super Mario Bros.", the clouds and bushes have the same artwork and are just different colors. | MacDGuy |
1192 | Entertainment: Video Games | True / False | Easy | Pac-Man was invented by the designer Toru Iwatani while he was eating pizza. | MacDGuy |
1191 | Entertainment: Video Games | True / False | Easy | Donkey Kong was originally set to be a Popeye arcade game. | MacDGuy |
1190 | Entertainment: Video Games | Multiple Choice | Easy | How many Chaos Emeralds are there in the "Sonic the Hedgehog" universe? | Arctiq |
1189 | Entertainment: Video Games | Multiple Choice | Hard | In "Sonic the Hedgehog 3" for the Sega Genesis, what is the color of the second Chaos Emerald you can get from Special Stages? | Arctiq |
1188 | Entertainment: Music | True / False | Medium | Ashley Frangipane performs under the stage name Halsey. | TJTheInkling |
1185 | Entertainment: Film | Multiple Choice | Easy | What was the first James Bond film? | Tommyt0m |
1183 | General Knowledge | Multiple Choice | Medium | After how many years would you celebrate your crystal anniversary? | Tommyt0m |
1182 | General Knowledge | Multiple Choice | Hard | Which film star has his statue in Leicester Square? | Tommyt0m |
1181 | General Knowledge | Multiple Choice | Hard | What year was Queen Elizabeth II born? | Tommyt0m |
1180 | General Knowledge | Multiple Choice | Easy | How many colors are there in a rainbow? | Tommyt0m |
1179 | General Knowledge | Multiple Choice | Hard | Before the 19th Century, the "Living Room" was originally called the... | MacDGuy |
1177 | Entertainment: Video Games | True / False | Medium | "Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater" takes place on Shadow Moses Island. | ParmenCZ70 |
1175 | Entertainment: Comics | Multiple Choice | Medium | What is the name of the comic about a young boy, and a tiger who is actually a stuffed animal? | Jesusfreak |
1174 | Science: Computers | Multiple Choice | Easy | In web design, what does CSS stand for? | MacDGuy |
1173 | General Knowledge | True / False | Medium | The word "news" originates from the first letters of the 4 main directions on a compass (North, East, West, South). | LevelUpMax |
1172 | Entertainment: Video Games | Multiple Choice | Medium | In the game series "The Legend of Zelda", what was the first 3D game? | LevelUpMax |
1171 | Science: Mathematics | True / False | Hard | The binary number "101001101" is equivalent to the Decimal number "334" | LevelUpMax |
1170 | Entertainment: Video Games | Multiple Choice | Medium | The rights to the "Rayman" series are owned by which company? | LevelUpMax |
1169 | Entertainment: Video Games | True / False | Hard | The first "Metal Gear" game was released for the PlayStation 1. | ParmenCZ70 |
1168 | Entertainment: Video Games | True / False | Easy | "Half-Life 2" runs on the Source Engine. | ParmenCZ70 |
1167 | Entertainment: Video Games | Multiple Choice | Hard | What is the main theme song of "Sonic Adventure 2"? | ParmenCZ70 |
1166 | Sports | Multiple Choice | Medium | What is the highest belt you can get in Taekwondo? | ParmenCZ70 |
1165 | Entertainment: Film | Multiple Choice | Medium | What is the name of the first "Star Wars" film by release order? | ParmenCZ70 |