Browse Questions

ID CategoryTypeDifficultyQuestion / StatementCreated By
962Science & NatureMultiple ChoiceMediumThe Axiom of Preventive Medicine states that people with ___ risk for a disease should be screened and we should treat ___ of those people.Mycenaean
961Entertainment: BooksTrue / FalseEasyThe "Berenstein Bears" is the correct spelling of the educational children's book series' name.Mycenaean
960MythologyMultiple ChoiceMediumWhich of the following Mesopotamian mythological figures was NOT a deity?Mycenaean
959HistoryMultiple ChoiceMediumWhich of the following Assyrian kings did NOT rule during the Neo-Assyrian Empire?Mycenaean
958HistoryTrue / FalseMediumSargon II, a king of the Neo-Assyrian Empire, was a direct descendant of Sargon of Akkad.Mycenaean
957Entertainment: MusicMultiple ChoiceMediumWhat genre of EDM is the Dutch DJ, musician, and remixer Armin van Buuren most well-known for?Mycenaean
956GeographyMultiple ChoiceEasyWhich Russian oblast forms a border with Poland?Mycenaean
955GeographyMultiple ChoiceMediumThe land of Gotland is located in which European country?Mycenaean
954GeographyMultiple ChoiceMediumThe following Spanish provinces are located in the northern area of Spain except:Mycenaean
953HistoryMultiple ChoiceMediumAccording to scholarly estimates, what percentage of the world population at the time died due to Tamerlane's conquests?Mycenaean
952Science: MathematicsTrue / FalseMediumThe proof for the Chinese Remainder Theorem used in Number Theory was NOT developed by its first publisher, Sun Tzu.Mycenaean
950GeographyMultiple ChoiceMediumWhich of the following language families is the most controversial amongst modern linguists?Mycenaean
948VehiclesMultiple ChoiceHardThe difference between the lengths of a Boeing 777-300ER and an Airbus A350-1000 is closest to:Mycenaean
947VehiclesMultiple ChoiceMediumWhich of the following passenger jets is the longest?Mycenaean
946VehiclesMultiple ChoiceMediumWhich of the following countries has officially banned the civilian use of dash cams in cars?Mycenaean
945VehiclesTrue / FalseMediumThe Japanese Shinkansen beat the French TGV's speed record for fastest electric rail train.Mycenaean
944GeographyMultiple ChoiceHardWhat is the name of one of the Neo-Aramaic languages spoken by the Jewish population from Northwestern Iraq?Mycenaean
943HistoryMultiple ChoiceMediumIn what year was the last natural case of smallpox documented?Mycenaean
942Entertainment: FilmMultiple ChoiceMediumIn what year was the first Transformers movie released?Mycenaean
941HistoryMultiple ChoiceMediumOne of the deadliest pandemics, the "Spanish Flu", killed off what percentage of the human world population at the time?Mycenaean
940Science & NatureTrue / FalseMediumLike with the Neanderthals, Homo sapiens sapiens also interbred with the Denisovans.Mycenaean
939HistoryMultiple ChoiceMediumWhich of the following battles is often considered as marking the beginning of the fall of the Western Roman Empire?Mycenaean
938VehiclesMultiple ChoiceEasyWhich of the following car manufacturers had a war named after it?Mycenaean
936Science & NatureMultiple ChoiceEasyWhich of the following blood vessels carries deoxygenated blood?Mycenaean
935Science: ComputersMultiple ChoiceMediumNvidia's headquarters are based in which Silicon Valley city?Mycenaean