3403 | Entertainment: Video Games | Multiple Choice | Easy | In the game "Hearthstone", what is the best rank possible? | Rozkoz |
3402 | Vehicles | Multiple Choice | Easy | The LS3 engine is how many cubic inches? | LSxGOAT |
3401 | History | Multiple Choice | Easy | To what political party did Abraham Lincoln belong when elected POTUS? | LSxGOAT |
3400 | Vehicles | Multiple Choice | Easy | The LS7 engine is how many cubic inches? | LSxGOAT |
3399 | Vehicles | Multiple Choice | Easy | The LS2 engine is how many cubic inches? | LSxGOAT |
3398 | Vehicles | Multiple Choice | Easy | The LS1 engine is how many cubic inches? | LSxGOAT |
3397 | Celebrities | Multiple Choice | Medium | Who out of these actresses is the youngest? | Agent2583 |
3396 | History | True / False | Easy | Kublai Khan is the grandchild of Genghis Khan? | serdarkayar |
3395 | Entertainment: Music | Multiple Choice | Easy | When was Gangnam Style uploaded to YouTube? | serdarkayar |
3394 | Entertainment: Music | Multiple Choice | Hard | Which of Michael Jackson's albums sold the most copies? | serdarkayar |
3393 | History | Multiple Choice | Medium | In which years did the Battle of Gallipoli take place? | serdarkayar |
3392 | History | Multiple Choice | Medium | In which year was Constantinople conquered by the Turks? | serdarkayar |
3389 | Science: Gadgets | Multiple Choice | Medium | Which company developed the Hololens? | durebrandt |
3388 | Science: Gadgets | Multiple Choice | Hard | Who built the first laser? | durebrandt |
3387 | Science: Gadgets | Multiple Choice | Easy | When was the iPhone released? | durebrandt |
3386 | Science: Gadgets | Multiple Choice | Easy | When did the CD begin to appear on the consumer market? | durebrandt |
3385 | Science: Gadgets | Multiple Choice | Easy | When was the DVD invented? | durebrandt |
3384 | Entertainment: Video Games | True / False | Easy | In Heroes of the Storm, the Cursed Hollow map gimmick requires players to kill the undead to curse the enemy team. | SoulGarurumon |
3383 | Entertainment: Japanese Anime & Manga | Multiple Choice | Medium | Krusty is the guild master of which guild in "Log Horizon"? | midymyth |
3382 | Entertainment: Japanese Anime & Manga | True / False | Hard | Druid is a mage class in "Log Horizon". | midymyth |
3381 | Entertainment: Japanese Anime & Manga | Multiple Choice | Hard | Akatsuki's subclass in "Log Horizon" is what? | midymyth |
3379 | Entertainment: Japanese Anime & Manga | Multiple Choice | Medium | Ikki Kurogane is known by what nickname at the beginning of "Chivalry of a Failed Knight"? | midymyth |
3377 | Entertainment: Japanese Anime & Manga | Multiple Choice | Hard | Medaka Kurokami from "Medaka Box" has what abnormality? | midymyth |
3376 | Entertainment: Japanese Anime & Manga | Multiple Choice | Easy | The two main characters of "No Game No Life", Sora and Shiro, together go by what name? | midymyth |
3375 | Entertainment: Japanese Anime & Manga | Multiple Choice | Medium | The heroine of "Humanity Has Declined" is a mediator between humans and what? | midymyth |