3312 | Geography | Multiple Choice | Medium | What is the highest mountain in the world? | NoThanks |
3311 | Science: Computers | Multiple Choice | Hard | Which of these is not a key value of Agile software development? | Arkive86 |
3304 | Politics | True / False | Easy | Donald Trump won the popular vote in the 2016 United States presidential election. | Conjo |
3302 | Science: Mathematics | Multiple Choice | Easy | What is the symbol for Displacement? | Conjo |
3298 | History | Multiple Choice | Medium | What year did Australia become a federation? | ILoveQuestions |
3293 | Geography | Multiple Choice | Medium | In the 2016 Global Peace Index poll, out of 163 countries, what was the United States of America ranked? | ILoveQuestions |
3290 | Politics | True / False | Medium | The State of Queensland, Australia voted NO to a referendum for daylight savings in 1992. | ILoveQuestions |
3286 | Entertainment: Video Games | Multiple Choice | Medium | What was the first weapon pack for "PAYDAY 2"? | Conjo |
3285 | Entertainment: Video Games | Multiple Choice | Medium | In Terraria, which of these items is NOT crafted at a Mythril Anvil? | Conjo |
3283 | Celebrities | Multiple Choice | Medium | Nikki Diamond portrayed which Gladiator in the 1992 TV show "Gladiators"? | Agent2583 |
3281 | Vehicles | Multiple Choice | Medium | What nickname was given to Air Canada Flight 143 after it ran out of fuel and glided to safety in 1983? | Agent2583 |
3279 | Entertainment: Television | Multiple Choice | Medium | How many seasons did the TV show "Donkey Kong Country" last? | Godzillan |
3278 | Science & Nature | True / False | Hard | The chemical element Lithium is named after the country of Lithuania. | Godzillan |
3275 | Entertainment: Musicals & Theatres | Multiple Choice | Hard | Who serves as the speaker of the prologue in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet? | Rauncy |
3271 | History | Multiple Choice | Medium | What was the name of one of the surviving palaces of Henry VIII located near Richmond, London? | Agent2583 |
3264 | Science: Mathematics | True / False | Medium | Zero factorial is equal to zero. | Res |
3258 | Geography | Multiple Choice | Easy | What is the smallest country in the world? | promexus |
3253 | Science: Computers | True / False | Easy | Linux was first created as an alternative to Windows XP. | DrAwesome |
3251 | Science: Computers | Multiple Choice | Hard | What internet protocol was documented in RFC 1459? | DrAwesome |
3248 | Science: Gadgets | Multiple Choice | Medium | In what year was the Oculus Rift revealed to the public through a Kickstarter campaign? | JosephStardust |
3241 | Sports | Multiple Choice | Medium | What is the exact length of one non-curved part in Lane 1 of an Olympic Track? | Rauncy |
3240 | Entertainment: Video Games | Multiple Choice | Medium | Which one of these was not a member of the Fiendish Five in the game Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus? | cDragonFirec |
3234 | Entertainment: Television | Multiple Choice | Easy | Which of these Disney shows is classified as an anime? | Agent2583 |
3233 | Science: Computers | Multiple Choice | Hard | America Online (AOL) started out as which of these online service providers? | PunkTiger |
3232 | Science & Nature | Multiple Choice | Hard | Botanically speaking, which of these fruits is NOT a berry? | PunkTiger |