Browse Questions

ID CategoryTypeDifficultyQuestion / StatementCreated By
3312GeographyMultiple ChoiceMediumWhat is the highest mountain in the world?NoThanks
3311Science: ComputersMultiple ChoiceHardWhich of these is not a key value of Agile software development?Arkive86
3304PoliticsTrue / FalseEasyDonald Trump won the popular vote in the 2016 United States presidential election.Conjo
3302Science: MathematicsMultiple ChoiceEasyWhat is the symbol for Displacement?Conjo
3298HistoryMultiple ChoiceMediumWhat year did Australia become a federation?ILoveQuestions
3293GeographyMultiple ChoiceMediumIn the 2016 Global Peace Index poll, out of 163 countries, what was the United States of America ranked?ILoveQuestions
3290PoliticsTrue / FalseMediumThe State of Queensland, Australia voted NO to a referendum for daylight savings in 1992.ILoveQuestions
3286Entertainment: Video GamesMultiple ChoiceMediumWhat was the first weapon pack for "PAYDAY 2"?Conjo
3285Entertainment: Video GamesMultiple ChoiceMediumIn Terraria, which of these items is NOT crafted at a Mythril Anvil?Conjo
3283CelebritiesMultiple ChoiceMediumNikki Diamond portrayed which Gladiator in the 1992 TV show "Gladiators"?Agent2583
3281VehiclesMultiple ChoiceMediumWhat nickname was given to Air Canada Flight 143 after it ran out of fuel and glided to safety in 1983?Agent2583
3279Entertainment: TelevisionMultiple ChoiceMediumHow many seasons did the TV show "Donkey Kong Country" last?Godzillan
3278Science & NatureTrue / FalseHardThe chemical element Lithium is named after the country of Lithuania.Godzillan
3275Entertainment: Musicals & TheatresMultiple ChoiceHardWho serves as the speaker of the prologue in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet?Rauncy
3271HistoryMultiple ChoiceMediumWhat was the name of one of the surviving palaces of Henry VIII located near Richmond, London?Agent2583
3264Science: MathematicsTrue / FalseMediumZero factorial is equal to zero. Res
3258GeographyMultiple ChoiceEasyWhat is the smallest country in the world?promexus
3253Science: ComputersTrue / FalseEasyLinux was first created as an alternative to Windows XP.DrAwesome
3251Science: ComputersMultiple ChoiceHardWhat internet protocol was documented in RFC 1459?DrAwesome
3248Science: GadgetsMultiple ChoiceMediumIn what year was the Oculus Rift revealed to the public through a Kickstarter campaign?JosephStardust
3241SportsMultiple ChoiceMediumWhat is the exact length of one non-curved part in Lane 1 of an Olympic Track?Rauncy
3240Entertainment: Video GamesMultiple ChoiceMediumWhich one of these was not a member of the Fiendish Five in the game Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus?cDragonFirec
3234Entertainment: TelevisionMultiple ChoiceEasyWhich of these Disney shows is classified as an anime?Agent2583
3233Science: ComputersMultiple ChoiceHardAmerica Online (AOL) started out as which of these online service providers?PunkTiger
3232Science & NatureMultiple ChoiceHardBotanically speaking, which of these fruits is NOT a berry?PunkTiger