7388 | Entertainment: Video Games | Multiple Choice | Medium | Which of these symbols can be seen on the shirt of the 1993 video game character, Bubsy T. Bobcat? | LaserScheme |
7385 | Vehicles | Multiple Choice | Medium | What manufacturer made the car used in Back to the Future? | RandomX |
7383 | Entertainment: Musicals & Theatres | Multiple Choice | Easy | Who wrote the musical "Hamilton"? | 21rbruce |
7371 | Entertainment: Television | Multiple Choice | Medium | This composer worked on the 2003 TV series Battlestar Galatica. | Jaded |
7368 | Entertainment: Video Games | Multiple Choice | Medium | What is the name of the child performing the Black Sacrament, in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim? | GreenGnome |
7365 | Entertainment: Video Games | Multiple Choice | Easy | In which year did the orignal Sims game release? | Adam445 |
7364 | General Knowledge | Multiple Choice | Easy | When was the website reddit founded ? | Adam445 |
7363 | Entertainment: Video Games | Multiple Choice | Easy | Who voices GLaDOS in the Portal games? | Adam445 |
7361 | History | Multiple Choice | Hard | Who was the last emperor of Mexico? | Petey |
7360 | Science & Nature | Multiple Choice | Medium | What medication was once commonly used as rat poison? | Petey |
7354 | Entertainment: Video Games | Multiple Choice | Hard | Which of the Master levels in "Super Monkey Ball" is also used in the arcade version of the game, simply named "Monkey Ball"? | Joelu |
7353 | Vehicles | Multiple Choice | Hard | Which of the following FIA Rally cars was approved for use in the Group B class first? | Joelu |
7352 | Entertainment: Video Games | Multiple Choice | Medium | Which of these video game series have NOT had a promotional item appear in Team Fortress 2? | Meclent |
7351 | Entertainment: Video Games | True / False | Medium | In the Disgaea series, any character can equip any weapon. | Meclent |
7349 | Entertainment: Video Games | Multiple Choice | Medium | In the video game series "Disgaea", what word does the character Prinny have to include in all sentences they speak? | Meclent |
7347 | General Knowledge | Multiple Choice | Easy | What is the name of the main Character from the Series: Dead Space? | Spotsy |
7346 | General Knowledge | True / False | Easy | Did Michael Jackson invent the moonwalk? | twilightvomit |
7337 | Entertainment: Video Games | True / False | Hard | Super Mario and Paarthurnax (Skyrim) are voiced by the same actor. | JohnWickerMan |
7335 | Entertainment: Film | Multiple Choice | Medium | According to the Star Wars lore, what is Han Solo's home planet? | JohnWickerMan |
7334 | Entertainment: Music | Multiple Choice | Hard | What album is the song 'New Slang' by The Shins found on? | klosec12 |
7333 | Sports | Multiple Choice | Medium | What was Sir Donald Bradman's batting average in test matches? | klosec12 |
7332 | Entertainment: Music | Multiple Choice | Medium | In what year did US band Weezer release Weezer (The White Album)? | klosec12 |
7329 | Entertainment: Comics | Multiple Choice | Medium | The success of DC Comics' Swamp Thing, Sandman, and other books in a similar style, led to the creation of what new imprint in 1993? | Arcturus |
7328 | Entertainment: Film | Multiple Choice | Hard | Who Voices the Devil on Devil's Flight in Final Destination 3? | ZombieDasher |
7326 | Entertainment: Comics | Multiple Choice | Medium | Which Doom Patrol member was a later addition, first appearing in 1989? | Arcturus |