Browse Questions

ID CategoryTypeDifficultyQuestion / StatementCreated By
1614Entertainment: FilmMultiple ChoiceHardIn what Disney movie can you spot the character "Pac-Man" in if you look closely enough in some scenes?Sttahl
1613Entertainment: Video GamesTrue / FalseEasySolid Snake is actually a clone from the DNA of Big Boss in the Metal Gear Solid series' history.Sttahl
1612Entertainment: Video GamesMultiple ChoiceHardMeryl Silverburgh, a video game character from the Metal Gear series, was originally a character in which game?Sttahl
1606HistoryTrue / FalseMediumIf you grab the bladed end of a longsword in a specific way, you will not cut yourself.Sttahl
1605HistoryTrue / FalseEasyUnited States President John F. Kennedy was assassinated during his presidential motorcade in Atlanta, Georgia on November 22nd, 1963.Sttahl
1603HistoryMultiple ChoiceMediumIn what year was the video game company Electronic Arts founded?Sttahl
1601HistoryMultiple ChoiceMediumIn what year did the North American Video Game Crash occur?Sttahl
1600CelebritiesMultiple ChoiceMediumWhat was the cause of death for Freddie Mercury?Sttahl
1599HistoryMultiple ChoiceHardWhen was Adolf Hitler appointed as Chancellor of Germany?Sttahl
1598HistoryMultiple ChoiceMediumWhen did the Battle of the Bulge end?Sttahl
1597HistoryMultiple ChoiceEasyWhen did the Battle of the Somme begin?Sttahl
1596Entertainment: Board GamesTrue / FalseEasyThe card game "Munchkin" won the 2001 Origins Award for Best Traditional Card Game.kobo19
1595Entertainment: Video GamesMultiple ChoiceEasyWhen was Minecraft first released to the public?kobo19
1594Entertainment: Japanese Anime & MangaMultiple ChoiceEasyWhat was Ash Ketchum's second Pokemon?kobo19
1593Entertainment: Video GamesMultiple ChoiceMediumWho is the protagonist of the videogame "Dead Rising 2"?kobo19
1592General KnowledgeTrue / FalseEasyYou can legally drink alcohol while driving in Mississippi.kobo19
1591General KnowledgeTrue / FalseEasyThe color orange is named after the fruit.kobo19
1588PoliticsMultiple ChoiceMediumWhat country saw a world record 315 million voters turn out for elections on May 20, 1991?kobo19
1587AnimalsMultiple ChoiceHardWhat is the scientific name of the Budgerigar?BriefCasey795
1586Entertainment: FilmTrue / FalseEasyShaquille O'Neal appeared in the 1997 film "Space Jam".BriefCasey795
1585PoliticsTrue / FalseEasyThe 2016 United States Presidential Election is the first time Hillary Clinton has run for President.BriefCasey795
1584Entertainment: Video GamesTrue / FalseEasyIn "Super Mario 3D World", the Double Cherry power-up originated from a developer accidentally making two characters controllable.BriefCasey795
1583Entertainment: TelevisionMultiple ChoiceMediumWhich character does voice actress Tara Strong NOT voice?BriefCasey795
1581General KnowledgeTrue / FalseEasyThe Sun rises from the North.BriefCasey795
1579Entertainment: Japanese Anime & MangaMultiple ChoiceHardWhat year was "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Phantom Blood" first released?BriefCasey795