1683 | Science: Computers | Multiple Choice | Medium | Which one of these is not an official development name for a Ubuntu release? | Zennoe |
1681 | Entertainment: Cartoon & Animations | Multiple Choice | Hard | Who voice acted the character Hiccup in the movie "How to Train Your Dragon"? | Wedel25 |
1680 | Science: Computers | Multiple Choice | Medium | How many cores does the Intel i7-6950X have? | Wedel25 |
1678 | Science: Computers | Multiple Choice | Medium | Generally, which component of a computer draws the most power? | Redcyberhawk |
1674 | Entertainment: Film | Multiple Choice | Medium | What is the name of the villian in the 2015 Russian-American Sci-Fi Movie "Hardcore Henry"? | xxweegeeplxx |
1673 | Entertainment: Comics | True / False | Easy | Deadpool's identity is Slade Wilson. | xxweegeeplxx |
1671 | Entertainment: Video Games | Multiple Choice | Easy | Which of these characters is the mascot of the video game company SEGA? | Ryanwilliams2465 |
1670 | History | True / False | Easy | Adolf Hitler was a german soldier in World War I. | Ryanwilliams2465 |
1669 | History | Multiple Choice | Easy | Who was the first president of the United States? | Ryanwilliams2465 |
1668 | Entertainment: Video Games | Multiple Choice | Easy | Who created the 2011 Video Game "Minecraft"? | Basti032002 |
1667 | History | Multiple Choice | Hard | Which one of these rulers did not belong to the Habsburg dynasty? | ADog |
1666 | Entertainment: Music | Multiple Choice | Medium | Which one of these Rammstein songs has two official music videos? | ADog |
1665 | Entertainment: Japanese Anime & Manga | Multiple Choice | Medium | Which one of these Manga titles was not created by Urasawa Naoki? | ADog |
1664 | Mythology | True / False | Medium | The Japanese god Izanagi successfully returned his wife Izanami from the Underworld. | ADog |
1663 | Entertainment: Music | Multiple Choice | Hard | What is the English title of the vaporwave track "リサフランク420 / 現代のコンピュー" by Macintosh Plus (Vektroid)? | ADog |
1662 | Science: Gadgets | Multiple Choice | Medium | Which company designed the "Betamax" video cassette format? | ADog |
1661 | Entertainment: Music | Multiple Choice | Hard | Which of these songs is not by Tatsuro Yamashita? | ADog |
1660 | History | Multiple Choice | Hard | Bohdan Khmelnytsky was which of the following? | ADog |
1658 | General Knowledge | True / False | Medium | Sitting for more than three hours a day can cut two years off a person's life expectancy. | Sttahl |
1657 | History | True / False | Medium | Theodore Roosevelt Jr. was the only General involved in the initial assault on D-Day. | Sttahl |
1653 | General Knowledge | True / False | Medium | Kissing someone for one minute burns about 2 calories. | Sttahl |
1652 | Animals | Multiple Choice | Medium | Which animal was part of an Russian domestication experiment in 1959? | Sttahl |
1650 | Politics | True / False | Easy | Russia passed a law in 2013 which outlaws telling children that homosexuals exist. | Sttahl |
1649 | History | True / False | Easy | Former United States Presidents John Adams and Thomas Jefferson died within hours of each other. | Sttahl |
1645 | General Knowledge | True / False | Easy | In 2010, Twitter and the United States Library of Congress partnered together to archive every tweet by American citizens. | Sttahl |