Browse Questions

ID CategoryTypeDifficultyQuestion / StatementCreated By
1342AnimalsMultiple ChoiceHardWhat scientific family does the Aardwolf belong to?DarnHyena
1341AnimalsMultiple ChoiceHardHow many known living species of hyenas are there?DarnHyena
1340AnimalsMultiple ChoiceHardWhat scientific suborder does the family Hyaenidae belong to?DarnHyena
1339Science: GadgetsTrue / FalseEasyThe communication protocol NFC stands for Near-Field Control.TheSinkGod
1338Science & NatureMultiple ChoiceMediumWhere did the dog breed "Chihuahua" originate?TheSinkGod
1337GeographyMultiple ChoiceMediumWhat is the capital of the State of Washington, United States?TheSinkGod
1335Entertainment: Japanese Anime & MangaMultiple ChoiceEasyIn the 9th Pokemon movie, who is the Prince of the Sea?Agent2583
1334VehiclesMultiple ChoiceEasyWhat UK Train does NOT go over 125MPH?Agent2583
1333Entertainment: Video GamesMultiple ChoiceEasyWhen was the game 'Portal 2' released?TheSinkGod
1332Science & NatureMultiple ChoiceEasyWhat does DNA stand for?TheSinkGod
1331ArtMultiple ChoiceHardWhat year was the Mona Lisa finished?TheHackingFox
1330Science & NatureMultiple ChoiceHardWhat is the scientific name of the red fox?TheHackingFox
1329Entertainment: Video GamesMultiple ChoiceMediumWhich of these "Worms" games featured 3D gameplay?coldfinger
1328Entertainment: Video GamesMultiple ChoiceEasyIn the "Worms" series of video games, which of these weapons is affected by wind?coldfinger
1327Entertainment: MusicMultiple ChoiceHardWho won the 1989 Drum Corps International championships?bodieacb
1326Entertainment: Musicals & TheatresMultiple ChoiceMediumWho is the musical director for the award winning musical "Hamilton"?bodieacb
1325AnimalsMultiple ChoiceEasyHow many legs do butterflies have?Tommyt0m
1324AnimalsMultiple ChoiceMediumWhat are rhino's horn made of?Tommyt0m
1323Entertainment: Video GamesMultiple ChoiceMediumWhich puzzle game was designed by a Russian programmer, featuring Russian buildings and music?Tommyt0m
1322General KnowledgeMultiple ChoiceHardSciophobia is the fear of what?Tommyt0m
1321Entertainment: FilmMultiple ChoiceEasyWhich movie includes a giant bunny-like spirit who has magic powers including growing trees?Puredragon
1320Entertainment: Musicals & TheatresMultiple ChoiceEasyWho wrote the award winning musical "In The Heights"?bodieacb
1319Entertainment: Cartoon & AnimationsMultiple ChoiceEasyWhat was the first Disney movie to use CGI?Puredragon
1318Entertainment: Cartoon & AnimationsMultiple ChoiceMediumWhat is the name of Sid's dog in "Toy Story"?Puredragon
1317Entertainment: BooksMultiple ChoiceEasyHow many Harry Potter books are there?Puredragon