1973 | Science & Nature | Multiple Choice | Easy | Which is the most abundant element in the universe? | DannySwish |
1972 | Science: Gadgets | Multiple Choice | Easy | Which buzzword did Apple Inc. use to describe their removal of the headphone jack? | DannySwish |
1971 | Entertainment: Television | Multiple Choice | Easy | In the Star Trek universe, what color is Vulcan blood? | DannySwish |
1970 | Science & Nature | Multiple Choice | Easy | Human cells typically have how many copies of each gene? | DannySwish |
1969 | Science & Nature | Multiple Choice | Hard | A comet's gaseous envelope (which creates the tail) is called what? | DannySwish |
1968 | Science & Nature | Multiple Choice | Easy | The asteroid belt is located between which two planets? | DannySwish |
1967 | Science & Nature | Multiple Choice | Easy | The element involved in making human blood red is which of the following? | DannySwish |
1966 | Science & Nature | Multiple Choice | Medium | The human right lung has how many lobes? | DannySwish |
1965 | Science & Nature | Multiple Choice | Hard | Which moon is the only satellite in our solar system to possess a dense atmosphere? | DannySwish |
1964 | Science & Nature | Multiple Choice | Easy | The human heart has how many chambers? | DannySwish |
1963 | Science & Nature | Multiple Choice | Medium | What does the yellow diamond on the NFPA 704 fire diamond represent? | Godzillan |
1962 | Animals | True / False | Easy | Rabbits are rodents. | Godzillan |
1961 | Entertainment: Television | Multiple Choice | Easy | Which company has exclusive rights to air episodes of the "The Grand Tour"? | Mycenaean |
1960 | Entertainment: Video Games | True / False | Hard | Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair featured all of the surviving students from the first game. | Mycenaean |
1959 | Entertainment: Japanese Anime & Manga | Multiple Choice | Easy | The name of Junko Enoshima's imposter at the beginning of Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc is? | Mycenaean |
1956 | History | Multiple Choice | Easy | Who was the Prime Minister of Japan when Japan declared war on the US? | osuka828 |
1955 | Geography | Multiple Choice | Hard | What is the area of Vatican City? | osuka828 |
1954 | History | Multiple Choice | Hard | In which year did the Tokyo Subway Sarin Attack occur? | osuka828 |
1953 | Art | Multiple Choice | Medium | Which one of these paintings is not by Caspar David Friedrich? | ADog |
1952 | General Knowledge | Multiple Choice | Easy | Who is depicted on the US hundred dollar bill? | SkyZero96 |
1951 | Entertainment: Music | Multiple Choice | Easy | Which band released songs suchs as "Rio", "Girls on Film", and "The Reflex"? | SkyZero96 |
1950 | Science & Nature | Multiple Choice | Medium | Which of these is a type of stretch/deep tendon reflex? | SkyZero96 |
1949 | Mythology | True / False | Hard | Rannamaari was a sea demon that haunted the people of the Maldives and had to be appeased monthly with the sacrifice of a virgin girl. | SkyZero96 |
1947 | Entertainment: Video Games | Multiple Choice | Medium | In the 2015 RPG "Undertale", which character do you first encounter after falling down into the underground? | SkyZero96 |
1946 | Entertainment: Video Games | Multiple Choice | Easy | Who is the leader of Team Instinct in Pokémon Go? | SkyZero96 |