1729 | Entertainment: Film | Multiple Choice | Medium | In the 2010 Nightmare on Elm Street reboot, who played Freddy Kruger? | BleakGodzilla |
1727 | Entertainment: Film | Multiple Choice | Medium | Who played Baron Victor Frankestein in the 1957 Hammer horror film "The Curse of Frankenstein"? | Toopixelated |
1726 | Entertainment: Film | Multiple Choice | Medium | In the 1979 British film "Quadrophenia" what is the name of the main protagonist? | Toopixelated |
1725 | Entertainment: Film | Multiple Choice | Medium | In the 1979 British film "Quadrophenia" what is the name of the seaside city the mods are visiting? | Toopixelated |
1724 | History | Multiple Choice | Easy | In 1720, England was in massive debt and became involved in the South Sea Bubble. Who was the main mastermind behind it? | Smuggy |
1723 | Entertainment: Video Games | Multiple Choice | Medium | How many zombies need to be killed to get the "Zombie Genocider" achievement in Dead Rising (2006)? | ellistron |
1722 | Entertainment: Musicals & Theatres | Multiple Choice | Medium | What was George Bizet's last opera? | MatschbirneLive |
1721 | Entertainment: Television | Multiple Choice | Easy | In the show, Doctor Who, what does T.A.R.D.I.S stand for? | wolram |
1720 | Entertainment: Video Games | Multiple Choice | Medium | In what year were achivements added to Steam? | ellistron |
1719 | Science & Nature | Multiple Choice | Medium | Which one of these scientists conducted the Gold Foil Experiment which concluded that atoms are mostly made of empty space? | nikorev |
1718 | Geography | True / False | Medium | There exists an island named "Java". | MountAnFruh |
1717 | Science: Computers | Multiple Choice | Medium | Which coding language was the #1 programming language in terms of usage on GitHub in 2015? | MountAnFruh |
1715 | Entertainment: Video Games | Multiple Choice | Easy | Which Game Boy from the Game Boy series of portable video game consoles was released first? | rabidchihuahua |
1714 | Entertainment: Video Games | True / False | Easy | Minecraft can be played with a virtual reality headset. | rabidchihuahua |
1713 | Science & Nature | Multiple Choice | Medium | What term is best associated with Sigmund Freud? | rabidchihuahua |
1712 | Entertainment: Video Games | Multiple Choice | Medium | Which of the following characters were considered for inclusion in Super Smash Bros. Melee? | TheDedBox |
1711 | Entertainment: Television | Multiple Choice | Easy | In the show Stranger Things, what is Eleven's favorite breakfast food? | rabidchihuahua |
1710 | Animals | True / False | Easy | In 2016, the IUCN reclassified the status of Giant Pandas from endangered to vulnerable. | rabidchihuahua |
1709 | Entertainment: Video Games | True / False | Easy | The PlayStation was originally a joint project between Sega and Sony that was a Sega Genesis with a disc drive. | TheDedBox |
1708 | Science: Computers | True / False | Medium | AMD created the first consumer 64-bit processor. | TheDedBox |
1706 | Entertainment: Video Games | Multiple Choice | Hard | Before Super Smash Bros. contained Nintendo characters, what was it known as internally? | TheDedBox |
1705 | Entertainment: Television | Multiple Choice | Medium | In Breaking Bad, the initials W.W. refer to which of the following? | xxweegeeplxx |
1703 | Entertainment: Video Games | True / False | Easy | The ultimate phrase used by Pharah from Overwatch is: "Justice rains from above!" | xxweegeeplxx |
1702 | Entertainment: Japanese Anime & Manga | Multiple Choice | Medium | The main protagonist of the fifth part of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is which of the following? | xxweegeeplxx |
1701 | Entertainment: Japanese Anime & Manga | Multiple Choice | Medium | The main antagonist of the second part of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is which of the following? | xxweegeeplxx |