MrStabby87's Profile

Verified QuestionsUnverified QuestionsUser RankJoin Date
2410Standard UserWednesday, August 30th, 2017

Verified Questions

ID CategoryTypeDifficultyQuestion
5042Science: ComputersMultiple ChoiceEasyIn computing, what does LAN stand for?
5078Entertainment: MusicMultiple ChoiceEasyWhich punk rock band released hit songs such as "Californication", "Can't Stop" and "Under the Bridge"?
5105Entertainment: TelevisionMultiple ChoiceEasyIn which state of America was the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air born and raised in?
5107GeographyTrue / FalseEasyThere is an island in Japan called Ōkunoshima, A.K.A. "Rabbit Island", so named because of it's huge population of rabbits.

Unverified Questions

ID CategoryTypeDifficultyQuestion
17866SportsMultiple ChoiceEasyWhich of these was not a venue used in the London 2012 Olympic games?
16576General KnowledgeMultiple ChoiceEasyBy what amendment in the US Constitution do people not have to testify against themselves in criminal cases?
16575Entertainment: Musicals & TheatresMultiple ChoiceMedium"The quality of mercy is not strained" is a line from which Shakespeare play?
12365Entertainment: Video GamesMultiple ChoiceEasyIn Binding of Issac, the Latch Key item grants two keys, one soul heart and what other stat bonus?