Druss's Profile

Verified QuestionsUnverified QuestionsUser RankJoin Date
1431587Standard UserTuesday, August 29th, 2017

Verified Questions

ID CategoryTypeDifficultyQuestion
5191SportsMultiple ChoiceEasyIn bowling, what is the term used for getting three consecutive strikes?
5190SportsMultiple ChoiceHardWhat team did England beat in the semi-final stage to win in the 1966 World Cup final?
5189SportsMultiple ChoiceEasyWhat team did England beat to win in the 1966 World Cup final?
5170AnimalsMultiple ChoiceHardWhat is the collective noun for vultures?

Unverified Questions

ID CategoryTypeDifficultyQuestion
13001Entertainment: BooksMultiple ChoiceMediumIn 'Gulliver's Travels', where was Gulliver held captive by people "not six inches high"?
13002Entertainment: FilmMultiple ChoiceMediumWhich 1985 film by Steven Spielberg received 11 Academy Award nominations but won no Oscars?
13004Entertainment: TelevisionTrue / FalseMediumIn 'The Dukes of Hazard', Luke and Bo Duke are cousins.
13005Entertainment: FilmMultiple ChoiceHardWhich actress had an autobiography titled 'Goodness Had Nothing To Do With It'?