Browse Questions

ID CategoryTypeDifficultyQuestion / StatementCreated By
5720Entertainment: FilmMultiple ChoiceMediumWho did the score to the original Blade Runner?Arcturus
5718HistoryMultiple ChoiceEasyWho rode on horseback to warn the Minutemen that the British were coming during the U.S. Revolutionary War?Kroto
5716HistoryMultiple ChoiceHardWhich U.S. president was said to have been too honest to lie to his father about chopping down a cherry tree?Kroto
5715HistoryMultiple ChoiceEasyWhat does the United States of America celebrate during the 4th of July?Kroto
5714Entertainment: Video GamesMultiple ChoiceMediumWhat year was the video game streaming platform TwitchTV founded?Kroto
5712HistoryMultiple ChoiceMediumWho was the last Roman emperor in the Year of Four Emperors (69 AD)?Godzillan
5707Entertainment: Video GamesMultiple ChoiceEasyIn Night In The Woods, where does Gregg work?Tail
5706Entertainment: Video GamesMultiple ChoiceEasyIn Pokemon, the ability Wonder Guard is exclusive to which Pokemon? Agent2583
5705Entertainment: Video GamesMultiple ChoiceEasyWho is the last boss in Night In The Woods' Demontower minigame?Tail
5703Entertainment: Video GamesMultiple ChoiceMediumIn Night In The Woods, what is Mae Borowski mother's name?Tail
5701Entertainment: Video GamesMultiple ChoiceMediumIn Night in the Woods, which instrument did Casey play?Tail
5697VehiclesMultiple ChoiceEasyWhat country was the Trabant 601 manufactured in?PJAMA114
5695Entertainment: MusicMultiple ChoiceMediumWhat was the name of the Wu-Tang Clan album Martin Shkreli bought for $2 million dollars?TungHeeLo
5690PoliticsMultiple ChoiceMediumWhat are the first names of the first father and son pair that were both Prime Ministers of Canada?OiCMudkips
5689Entertainment: Japanese Anime & MangaMultiple ChoiceMediumWhat is the name of the protagonist of the 2017 anime "Land of the Lustrous"?OiCMudkips
5688GeographyMultiple ChoiceMediumWhich of these Japanese islands is the largest by area?OiCMudkips
5686SportsMultiple ChoiceMediumWhat is the name of the AHL affiliate of the Toronto Maple Leafs?OiCMudkips
5685Entertainment: Video GamesMultiple ChoiceMediumWhich game won the "Games for Impact" award in The Game Awards 2015?OiCMudkips
5684Entertainment: Japanese Anime & MangaMultiple ChoiceEasyWhat name is the main character Chihiro given in the 2001 movie "Spirited Away"?OiCMudkips
5683HistoryMultiple ChoiceMediumWhen did O, Canada officially become the national anthem?B4RD
5682Entertainment: Japanese Anime & MangaMultiple ChoiceMediumWhat colour hair does the main character of the Yu-Gi-Oh! original anime series have?OiCMudkips
5680General KnowledgeMultiple ChoiceEasyFoie gras is a French delicacy typically made from what part of a duck or goose?Avalica
5679GeographyMultiple ChoiceMediumLake Titicaca is located between which two nations?Avalica
5678Science & NatureMultiple ChoiceHardWhat was the first organic compound to be synthesized from inorganic compounds?Avalica
5677Science & NatureMultiple ChoiceEasyDry ice is the solid form of what substance?Avalica