Browse Questions

ID CategoryTypeDifficultyQuestion / StatementCreated By
5897Science & NatureMultiple ChoiceMediumWhat is the molecular formula of the active component of chili peppers(Capsaicin)?bk1026
5886HistoryMultiple ChoiceHardWhich is the hull NO. of the Fletcher class destroyer Fletcher?leone145
5884Entertainment: Japanese Anime & MangaMultiple ChoiceEasyWhat is the name of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 5?bk1026
5880Entertainment: MusicMultiple ChoiceMediumWhich one of these people has been in the band ''Metallica'' in the past?JonSpag
5875Science & NatureMultiple ChoiceEasyWhich of these Elements is a metalloid?koreghan
5871Entertainment: BooksMultiple ChoiceEasyWho wrote "A Tale of Two Cities"?Mvem
5868SportsMultiple ChoiceHardThe Mazda 787B won the 24 Hours of Le Mans in what year?Doppler
5867Science & NatureMultiple ChoiceHardWhat causes the sound of a heartbeat?Pikabush
5864Science & NatureMultiple ChoiceMediumWhat is an alternative name for multiple personality disorder?Pikabush
5863Science & NatureMultiple ChoiceHardWhich of the following is considered classical conditioning?Pikabush
5862Entertainment: Video GamesMultiple ChoiceEasyWhich of the following is not a character in the video game Doki Doki Literature Club?Pikabush
5861Entertainment: Video GamesMultiple ChoiceMediumWhich of the following is a character in the video game Destiny?Pikabush
5860CelebritiesMultiple ChoiceMediumHow old was Muhammad Ali when he died?Pikabush
5859Science & NatureMultiple ChoiceHardWhich of the following are cells of the adaptive immune system?Pikabush
5858Science & NatureMultiple ChoiceMediumWhat are the smallest blood vessels in the human body?Pikabush
5857Science & NatureMultiple ChoiceHardWhich of the following is a major muscle of the back?Pikabush
5856Science & NatureMultiple ChoiceMediumWhat is Hypernatremia?Pikabush
5855Science & NatureMultiple ChoiceMediumWhat is the study of the cells and tissues of plants and animals?Pikabush
5854Science: GadgetsMultiple ChoiceHardWhich of the following is used to measure blood pressure?Pikabush
5853General KnowledgeMultiple ChoiceEasyWhich of the following blood component forms a plug at the site of injuries?Pikabush
5852Science & NatureMultiple ChoiceHardWhat is the most potent toxin known?Pikabush
5849Entertainment: Video GamesMultiple ChoiceHardWhich drive form was added into Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix?TungHeeLo
5848Entertainment: MusicMultiple ChoiceMediumWhich genre of Hip Hop does MC Frontalot rap?TungHeeLo
5847Entertainment: FilmMultiple ChoiceEasyWhat historical time period was the center of the Assassin’s Creed movie (2016)?JosephStardust
5842Entertainment: Video GamesMultiple ChoiceEasyIn the game Sonic Forces, which of the following was not from a previous game?Jessen