mayne's Profile

Verified QuestionsUnverified QuestionsUser RankJoin Date
2728Standard UserFriday, December 9th, 2016

Verified Questions

ID CategoryTypeDifficultyQuestion
5335Entertainment: BooksMultiple ChoiceHardIn which classic novel by Mark Twain did a beggar and Prince of Wales switch clothes, and learn about social class inequality?
5309GeographyMultiple ChoiceMediumHow many time zones are in Russia?
5024Entertainment: FilmMultiple ChoiceEasyWho directed the Kill Bill movies?
4244Entertainment: MusicMultiple ChoiceHardWhat was the name of the cold-war singer who has a song in Grand Theft Auto IV, and a wall landmark in Moscow for his memorial?

Unverified Questions

ID CategoryTypeDifficultyQuestion
9448Entertainment: MusicMultiple ChoiceEasyWho covered "Space Oddity" on board the International Space Station?
9382HistoryMultiple ChoiceEasyWho was Rob Ford?
9160SportsMultiple ChoiceMediumThis state has the most NHL teams.
8951HistoryMultiple ChoiceMediumThis defunct country hosted the Olympics.