mayne's Profile

Verified QuestionsUnverified QuestionsUser RankJoin Date
2728Standard UserFriday, December 9th, 2016

Verified Questions

ID CategoryTypeDifficultyQuestion
5335Entertainment: BooksMultiple ChoiceHardIn which classic novel by Mark Twain did a beggar and Prince of Wales switch clothes, and learn about social class inequality?
5309GeographyMultiple ChoiceMediumHow many time zones are in Russia?
5024Entertainment: FilmMultiple ChoiceEasyWho directed the Kill Bill movies?
4244Entertainment: MusicMultiple ChoiceHardWhat was the name of the cold-war singer who has a song in Grand Theft Auto IV, and a wall landmark in Moscow for his memorial?

Unverified Questions

ID CategoryTypeDifficultyQuestion
9761Entertainment: Musicals & TheatresMultiple ChoiceEasyThis composer scored The Nutcrtacker ballet.
10027Entertainment: MusicMultiple ChoiceMediumWho made "The Hampsterdance?"
10301General KnowledgeMultiple ChoiceMediumThis is a typical Workweek in the Middle East.
11491HistoryMultiple ChoiceEasyThis ship sank in Lake Superior, and became the Great Lakes' largest wreck in 1975.