Browse Questions

ID CategoryTypeDifficultyQuestion / StatementCreated By
2360General KnowledgeTrue / FalseHardIn Scandinavian languages, the letter Å means river.darkness1744
2359Entertainment: FilmMultiple ChoiceMediumIn what year was the movie "Police Academy" released?darkness1744
2358Entertainment: MusicMultiple ChoiceMediumWhat musician made the song "F**kin` Perfect" in 2010?darkness1744
2355Science: GadgetsTrue / FalseEasyMicrophones can be used not only to pick up sound, but also to project sound similar to a speaker.BlueH
2353Science: ComputersTrue / FalseMediumEarly RAM was directly seated onto the motherboard and could not be easily removed.Computerman
2351Entertainment: Video GamesMultiple ChoiceMediumWhat was the name of the first MMORPG to popularize the genre?Prodigalist
2349Science: ComputersTrue / FalseHardThe IBM PC used an Intel 8008 microprocessor clocked at 4.77 MHz and 8 kilobytes of memory.Computerman
2346Entertainment: TelevisionMultiple ChoiceHardWho played the sun baby in the original run of Teletubbies?Agent2583
2345Entertainment: Video GamesMultiple ChoiceEasyWho are the original creators of Rachet & Clank?LyingRat1208
2344Entertainment: Video GamesMultiple ChoiceEasyIn what year was Hearthstone released?LyingRat1208
2342Entertainment: Video GamesMultiple ChoiceEasyIn what year was Garry's Mod released as a standalone title on Valve's Steam distribution service?LyingRat1208
2341HistoryMultiple ChoiceMediumWhich American civilization is the source of the belief that the world would end or drastically change on December 21st, 2012?Belgo
2340Entertainment: FilmMultiple ChoiceEasyIn the movie "Spaceballs", what are the Spaceballs attempting to steal from Planet Druidia?JohannesDau
2337Entertainment: Video GamesMultiple ChoiceMediumWhich of the following games in the Anno series introduced the "Eco Balance" gameplay mechanic?darkness1744
2335Entertainment: TelevisionMultiple ChoiceMediumWhich of these television shows makes everyone look under their chair?almm123
2334Entertainment: Video GamesTrue / FalseEasyAna was added as a new hero for the game Overwatch on July 19th, 2016.NoThanks
2332Entertainment: Japanese Anime & MangaTrue / FalseEasyThe name of the attack "Kamehameha" in Dragon Ball Z was named after a famous king of Hawaii.Agent2583
2331Entertainment: MusicMultiple ChoiceEasyAccording to a song by Belinda Carlisle, Heaven is a place on what?Agent2583
2329Entertainment: BooksMultiple ChoiceMediumWhich American author was also a budding travel writer and wrote of his adventures with his dog Charley?orpheus82
2328Entertainment: MusicMultiple ChoiceEasyWhich 80s band is fronted by singer/guitarist Robert Smith?orpheus82
2327Entertainment: Japanese Anime & MangaMultiple ChoiceMediumWhich animation studio animated the 2016 anime "Mob Psycho 100"?SkyZero96
2326Entertainment: Video GamesMultiple ChoiceMediumWhich of these songs does NOT play during the Ruins segments of the 2015 game "Undertale"?SkyZero96
2325Entertainment: FilmMultiple ChoiceEasyThe 2002 film "28 Days Later" is mainly set in which European country?SkyZero96
2324Entertainment: FilmMultiple ChoiceMediumWho voices the main character Blu in the 2011 animated film "Rio"?SkyZero96
2323HistoryMultiple ChoiceMediumWhat was Genghis Khan's real name?DrVivid